Core Focus Physical Therapy now offering services to enhance speed of recovery from injury and transition to more demanding physical activity

Why did we develop this unique program?

To Bridge The Gap

Most physical therapy patients end their treatment course but are not prepared to handle the demands of their favorite sports and / or their fitness programs.

Physical Therapists and their clients are running into inadequate rehab completion due to insurances limiting the coverage of clients. Insurance companies consider Physical Therapy is “done” when pain is gone and mobility is almost normal, or at times, because the benefits are just limited.

This can lead to re-injury, or new injuries, when they resume their preferred sports activities. Our program will make the transition smooth, successful and injury threats will be kept at a minimum.

Speed up recovery

BFR training allows for increases in muscle strength and size while using a low relative load (an external weight) which decreases stress placed on the joints.

There are different intensity levels during this program, some are done while still in therapy, and a more intense back-to-sports program once PT regimen is completed.

Performance Enhancement

BFR training has been shown to improve a number of performance markers including oxygen uptake and force production.

What should one expect from this unique program?

  1. Our experienced trainers and Licensed Physical Therapists will assess your physical readiness for the program and will determine your specific course of treatment.
  2. Sessions may include some or all of the following:
  • Myofascial sessions
  • Manual Physical Therapy sessions
  • Pilates sessions


Who is a good candidate for this program?

  1. Post surgical muscle weakness, to enhance strengthening in less time, during prescribed Physical Therapy.
  2. After finishing Physical Therapy, but not quite ready to return to sports intense lifestyle/work.
  3. General pain relief.
  4. Kickstart a fitness program enhancing and speeding up your early results.

What is BFR (Blood Flow Restriction)?

BFR is achieved through the application of external pressure with a cuff, similar to a blood pressure cuff over the extremities. The applied pressure is sufficient to maintain arterial inflow while occluding venous outflow distal to the occlusion site. The goal is to enable patients and clients to make greater strength gains while lifting lighter loads, thereby reducing the overall stress placed on the articulations/joints.

Physical therapists (PTs) have an existing firm foundation in anatomy, physiology, therapeutic exercise, and the cardiorespiratory system, as well as clinical reasoning, which are the components of the safe application of blood flow restriction training (BFRT). Physical therapist education provides PTs with the requisite knowledge (muscular and vascular anatomy, and physiology and exercise physiology), as well as skills (therapeutic exercise prescription, monitoring of physiological vital signs and blood flow) to perform and monitor this type of therapeutic exercise.

Session / Package Prices

30 Minute Fitness

1 / $120

4 / $420

10* / $900

60 Minute Fitness

1 / $200

4 / $700

10* / $1500

60 Minute BFR

1 / $225

4 / $800

10* / $1750

*Recommended sessions to complete within 5 weeks of purchase (2 sessions per week). Expires 7 weeks from purchase. All prices reflect training sessions performed at Core Focus Physical Therapy. Convenience fees may apply for at-home visits or training outside of normal business hours or on holidays.